Tuesday 10 May 2011

The "new" cathedral of Cuenca
Ingapirca ruins 
Our Ecuadorian family 
Beached as
Turtle party
Cow boys and gal

The beach, the mountains and then Peru

Hola all, sorry for the extremely large time lag in blogs.  It has just felt like theres never time and then all of sudden theres far too much to write about! But I shall try...

Cuenca was hard to leaver after spending a whole month there.  It is such a strange sensation to say goodbye to people you know you will never meet again.  Our host family for example, could never afford to travel overseas so it felt weird to have known them so well, then to have the luxury of hopping off to another country when this was well beyond their means.
After Cuenca we spend an amazing week at the beach in Ecuador where we went to the ´poor mans Galapagos´, saw some cool birds and turtles and had a wee snorkel.  But as the tour was in spanish we really had no clue what was going on! We picked up a travelling buddy here on the coast and then found ourselves in Vilcabamba, a little village in the mountains.  We all went on a 2 day horse trek with an old kiwi expat.  We climbed up these ridiculous mountains, 1000mtres up,  where it was impossible to imagine the horse doing it.  But they did amazingly and it was beautiful up in the clouds.

From here we bussed to Peru and spent several days wandering around ruins of temples in the baking desert heat.  They were these strange little patches of desert in the green farmland.  From where I am writing now, we are in a little surfing village called Huanchaco with a beautiful beach.  As usual, I am unwell again.  Basically the whole trip' either Pete or I have been sick! But you start to realize that thats just what its like travelling somewhere like here.  Along the way we have constantly been bumping into the same people and have formed something of a small travel group.  Its nice because it makes the world feel a wee bit smaller and friendlier.

Tonight, we are off to Huaraz in the mountains, the adventure capital of Peru.  We will post photos soon!