Thursday 10 March 2011

Quito, Ecuador

Quito is...diesel fumes, street sellers, beeping cars, crazy drivers, narrow footpaths that disappear, $1 food, eggs and cheese, cobbled streets, beautiful architecture, upset tummies, thin air, farm trucks with men in the back on cellphones, homeless people, green hills and spanglish!

We have arrived and are overwhlemed but amazed.  The shops jump out at you from hidden door ways, the fumes are exhausting as is the lack of oxygen and cathedrals and colonial architecture seem to appear on every corner. 
The people speak very little english, but seem to be  friendly.  We are somehow managing by piecing the odd sentence together!
After having an awful time arriving in town in the rain at night with the hotel cancelling our reservation, we ended up somewhere nice and are managing to venture out into the city.
Photos to follow soon (when we feel more accostomed to avoiding looking like a tourist!). 

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